Do you suffer from neck, shoulder or upper back pain? If so, it could be symptoms of Upper Cross Syndrome.
This condition refers to a person’s posture where the head is carried forward and the shoulders are rolled forward, which then creates a curve in the upper back. This posture type is very common in today’s society, and generally occurs in people that are desk workers or those that are primarily seated throughout the day and fail to make a conscious effort to maintain good posture.
This condition refers to a person’s posture where the head is carried forward and the shoulders are rolled forward, which then creates a curve in the upper back. This posture type is very common in today’s society, and generally occurs in people that are desk workers or those that are primarily seated throughout the day and fail to make a conscious effort to maintain good posture.
If you fall into the above category, click here to find out how to setup your work station correctly!
The diagram below illustrates how the cross is formed. The muscles that become short and tight are pectorals, scalenes, levator scapula, upper trapezius, sub occipitals and sternocleidomastoid. The muscles that become long and weak are thoracic erector spinal muscles, rhomboids, lower trapezius and deep neck flexors. If our bodies are in this position majority of the time it can lead to musculoskeletal conditions that may result in chronic pain and other problems, such as headaches.
The diagram below illustrates how the cross is formed. The muscles that become short and tight are pectorals, scalenes, levator scapula, upper trapezius, sub occipitals and sternocleidomastoid. The muscles that become long and weak are thoracic erector spinal muscles, rhomboids, lower trapezius and deep neck flexors. If our bodies are in this position majority of the time it can lead to musculoskeletal conditions that may result in chronic pain and other problems, such as headaches.
If you have muscular aches and pains around your back, neck and shoulders, or you suffer from headaches, you many have an ‘upper cross’ posture type. Physio On Collins can help you with this by providing myotherapy and/or physiotherapy treatment.
During a consultation, the practitioner will assess your body’s structure and movement patterns, develop a treatment plan that is tailored to suit you and discuss what your plan will be moving forward.
During a consultation, the practitioner will assess your body’s structure and movement patterns, develop a treatment plan that is tailored to suit you and discuss what your plan will be moving forward.
At Physio On Collins, we see many clients present with signs of Upper Cross Syndrome. If you want to find out more about this condition, or book an appointment to see one of our specialists, call us on (03) 9650 1347 or send us an email.